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In any marketing campaign, success isn’t just about the creativity of your ads or the brilliance of your slogans. What’s more important is measuring the impact of these efforts. How else can you be sure that your creative choices are striking a chord with your customers? 

This is where the role of marketing metrics becomes pivotal. Knowing which ones to focus on is essential in assessing the effectiveness of your strategies. But with so many available, it can be challenging to know what marketing metrics to track. Which ones should you focus on to gauge success? 

In this article, we’ll do our best to demystify this topic. We’ll delve into the different types of metrics in marketing, explain their significance, and highlight those critical for effective campaign analysis. 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or new to the field, understanding these important marketing metrics will help you make more informed decisions and steer your campaigns towards success.

What are Marketing Metrics?

This is the marketing metrics definition marketing professionals need to know: 

To put it simply, marketing metrics are the numbers that tell you how well your marketing is working. They are quantifiable data points that provide insights into various aspects of a marketing campaign. That means they can help you track things like the number of people who saw an advertisement, the percentage of website visitors who made a purchase, or the return on investment (ROI) generated from a particular marketing effort.

With that in mind, you might be wondering whether metrics are the same as key performance indicators (KPIs). While all marketing metrics offer valuable information, not all of them are KPIs. 

These are a specific subset of metrics that are especially important for your business goals. They are the numbers that directly reflect the success of your core objectives, like increasing revenue or customer engagement. 

Why are Marketing Metrics Important?

There are several reasons why metrics in marketing are worth paying attention to:

  • They help you track performance. Key marketing metrics let you see how well your marketing activities are doing. This includes understanding which tactics are effective and which ones need improvement.
  • They guide decision-making by providing concrete data to base decisions on rather than just guessing or going by gut feeling. This leads to more informed and strategic choices.
  • They help you measure ROI, showing you how much value your marketing efforts are bringing in compared to the costs.
  • They give you a better understanding of your customers. The best marketing metrics offer insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can inform how to better target and engage your audience.
  • You can use them to optimize your budget. By knowing which areas are performing well, you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively, investing more in successful tactics and less in underperforming ones.
  • They’re essential for setting realistic marketing goals and then tracking progress towards achieving them.
  • You can use them to spy on your rivals. Some of the most important marketing metrics allow you to benchmark your performance against competitors, giving you an understanding of where you stand in the market.
  • They help you adapt to trends. Marketing metrics can reveal shifts in consumer behavior, enabling you to pivot or modify your strategies quickly.

Types of Marketing Metrics

To hone your strategy and make sure it’s successful, it’s worth sifting through the various types of metrics in marketing to find the right ones to track. Each category of metrics serves a unique purpose, and can shed light on a different aspect of your marketing efforts:

  • Traffic: This focuses on measuring your audience size, with common marketing metrics like page views or unique visitors, sessions, and bounce rate.
  • Engagement: These types of marketing metrics reveal how people interact with your content, tracked through things such as likes, shares, comments, or average session duration.
  • Conversion: These marketing metrics, including conversion rate and CPC (cost per click), measure the effectiveness of turning visitors into customers.
  • Profitability: Assess the financial impact of your campaigns using metrics such as ROI, return on ad spend (ROAS), or CPA (cost per acquisition).
  • Awareness: Measure your brand’s reach and visibility, through indicators like:
    • brand recall
    • share of voice
    • mentions
    • social media followers
    • reach
    • brand sentiment. 

As a marketer, getting to grips with these different types of metrics in marketing is crucial to understanding how your campaign is performing in relation to its goals. 

Key Marketing Metrics to Track – Three Paid Campaign Scenario

OK, now for the big question: what marketing metrics to track? As we alluded to earlier, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The metrics you need to focus on depend on your campaign’s specific goals and the nature of the campaign itself. 

For instance, a campaign aimed at building brand awareness will prioritize different marketing metrics than one focused on lead generation or driving sales. 

Let’s look at three common campaign goals and the best marketing metrics relevant to each. This should give you a clearer idea of how different campaigns need to focus on different things to be successful.

Campaign goal 1: Building brand awareness

Building brand awareness is about creating a lasting impression in the minds of potential customers, making them think of your brand first when they need a product or service you offer. 

This goal is crucial, both for new companies trying to break into the market, or established ones looking to grow their audience. It’s more about long-term visibility and recall than immediate sales.

When focusing on brand awareness, you need to track common marketing metrics that reflect how well your brand is being noticed and remembered. 

Examples of marketing metrics in this scenario include: 

  • Website traffic (particularly new visitors) 
  • Social media reach and engagement (likes, shares, and comments) 
  • Social media mentions
  • Ad impressions (how often it’s displayed)
  • Ad reach (the total number of people who see it).

Campaign goal 2: Lead generation

This goal is essential for businesses that want to grow their customer base. It’s about attracting and nurturing people who might be interested in your products or services into actual paying customers. It involves not just capturing visitors, but encouraging them to take a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter or requesting more information.

In a lead generation campaign, the key marketing metrics to track include:

  • Conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action such as completing a contact form or signing up to a newsletter or free trial)
  • Cost per lead (your total spend on the campaign, divided by the number of leads generated) 
  • Lead quality (how likely the leads are to become paying customers – here, it’s worth referring to indicators that are specific to your industry and applicable to your budget, team size, etc.)
  • Click-through rate (CTR) (measures the effectiveness of your call-to-action (CTA) in ads or emails)
  • Landing page performance (analyzing visitor interaction with your landing page, like time spent and actions taken)

Campaign goal 3: Driving sales

Every business aims to boost its revenue and profitability, and campaigns designed to drive sales are central to achieving this goal. It’s important to know how effectively you’re persuading potential customers to make purchases, whether they’re buying a product or a service. 

The key is not just to attract customers but also to successfully lead them through the buying process.

In a sales-driven campaign, marketing metrics examples include:

  • Sales conversion rate (the percentage of visitors or leads who complete a purchase).
  • Average order value (the typical amount spent by customers per order.)
  • Customer acquisition cost (the total cost of acquiring a new customer, including all marketing and sales expenses).
  • Revenue (the total earnings from sales within the campaign period).
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) (the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising).
  • Lifetime customer value (LCV), which is the total money spent by the customers since their first purchase.

How to Track Marketing Metrics

Once you’ve carried out the important task of identifying the marketing measurement metrics relevant to your campaign, you’re ready for the next step. 

Bear in mind that once you have these metrics in mind, you might not be entirely clear on the objectives for them. This should not block you from tracking them – quite the contrary. By measuring the relevant metrics, you’ll see what the current state of things is and have a reference point for the future.  

Here are some tips on monitoring these vital signs, ensuring you’re always on the right path to achieving your goals.

Set realistic benchmarks

This is a key part of learning how to track marketing metrics effectively. Benchmarks act as clear targets, helping you understand what success looks like for your campaign. They offer a sense of direction and purpose, guiding your efforts and decisions.

When benchmarks are realistic, they become achievable goals that motivate your team. They provide a basis for measuring progress, allowing you to see how close you are to reaching your objectives.

They also help manage expectations, so everyone in your team — and those all-important stakeholders — is on the same page and has a good idea of what can be accomplished within a certain timeframe and budget.

Without realistic benchmarks, you risk setting goals that are either too high, which is likely to end in disappointment and demotivation, or too low, resulting in missed opportunities for growth. 

To ensure your benchmarks are grounded in reality, use historical data from past campaigns, industry standards, competitor analysis, or even testing data from your current campaign. 

Pay attention to where your data comes from

For effective data-driven marketing, it’s important to recognize that the source of your data is just as important as the data itself. 

For instance, A/B testing can provide valuable insights into customer behavior. However, if the data from your tests isn’t properly segmented or if the sample size is too small, the results may not be reliable. Paying close attention to these details means you can feel confident in your test outcomes.

Similarly, understanding ‘what are key metrics in marketing’ is one thing. But where they originate is just as vital. For example, web app marketing metrics like user engagement or session duration can offer insights into user behavior. But consider the context in which this data was collected. Was it during a promotional period? Or does it represent typical user behavior?

By being mindful of the origins of your data, you can make smarter marketing decisions and get better results.

Use the right tools

Like choosing a spoon rather than a fork to eat a bowl of soup, it helps if you have the right tool for the task at hand. Measuring the success of your marketing campaigns is no different. 

A tool like ChannelPulse can help you get a clear, unified view of your paid campaign’s performance across different platforms. That means you can log in and access a single dashboard displaying all the key metrics for your ads, whether they’re on social media, search engines, or other digital spaces. 

ChannelPulse also lets you compare how the same ad performs on different platforms. This cross-referencing is essential for campaign optimization, as it helps you understand where your ad is most effective and where it might need tweaking.

Other valuable features include a reliable marketing report template. This ensures that you can share the right data in a format that’s easy to understand and use. You, your team and your key stakeholders can quickly see what’s working and what’s not.

Cross-reference metrics to one another

We mentioned this above, and it’s another great tip for effective marketing. Cross-referencing metrics means looking at how different sets of data interact with each other. 

For example, you could compare how an increase in social media posts impacts website traffic, or how changes in email marketing engagement affect sales numbers. 

By doing this, you get a clearer understanding of your campaign’s overall performance. It’s about connecting the dots between various aspects of your marketing to see the bigger picture.

Introduce a continuous improvement framework

This is all about marketing optimization. In other words, regularly checking and improving your marketing strategies. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

  • Ongoing monitoring: Monitor your campaign’s performance constantly, not just at the end. This means looking at your results across different platforms to understand what’s working. Monitoring helps you catch and fix issues quickly and adjust budgets, keeping your campaign on track.
  • Regular audits: For example, frequent Google ads audits can reveal insights into what’s effective and what’s not, helping you adjust your tactics for better performance.
  • Building a knowledge base: Document everything you learn along the way. This builds a valuable resource you can refer to in the future. It will help you answer questions like ‘What are marketing metrics?’ and ‘Which ones does my business need?’. Plus, it’ll make it easier to replicate successes and avoid past mistakes in future campaigns.


What Marketing Metrics to Track Will Depend on Your Objectives

In this article, we’ve hopefully given you a clear answer to the question, ‘What are metrics in marketing?’. As you can see, they’re pretty important in driving your campaign towards success.

From basic concepts like traffic and engagement to more intricate marketing metrics examples such as conversion rates and ROAS, these metrics come together to give you a clear picture of how well your marketing is doing.

Remember, while the vast number of marketing metrics might seem overwhelming at first, tools like ChannelPulse simplify the process. They provide a user-friendly platform to view and analyze campaign data across various channels, making it easier to draw meaningful insights.

If you want to know more, reach out to or and we’ll be glad to show you how it works. 

With the right tools and a bit of practice, using data to make smarter, more effective marketing decisions becomes much more manageable.

About the Author: Volha Yauseichyk

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